The 25 Best People in a Working Mom's Life
Here's to you, Amazon delivery person.
They weren't kidding when they said it takes a village. And every working mom's village has many of these wonderful people in it, there to help make this crazy, complicated life run a bit more smoothly. Let's pay homage to those in our orbit who pitch in, both in big and small ways.
1. Your coworker who tells you, "Don't worry; I've got this," and covers for you when you're home with a sick kid.
2. Your manager who lets you work from home whenever you need.
Every time I skip a commute, an angel gets its wings.
3. The dedicated teacher who spends extra one-on-one time with your child to help him reach his full potential.
How do you even express proper gratitude for that?
4. Your Amazon delivery person.
You, my friend, are welcome at my home any day.
5. Your partner who can take one look at you and realize he needs to take over parenting duties and give you some alone time.
I knew I married you for a reason.
6. The sitter who rounds down to the nearest hour, instead of up, when figuring out how much you owe her.
This is why I call you first.
7. The backup sitter who somehow is always available when you need her.
That empty calendar of yours is so damn fine.
8. Your pizza delivery person.
Dinner that I don't have to cook?
9. Your stay-at-home mom friend who gladly picks up your sick child because your office is an hour from the school.
I'm so lucky to know you.
10. The bus driver/train conductor who sees you running to catch the ride and keeps the doors open until you make it.
You make sweating worth it.
11. Your mom.
She's the best.
12. The pediatrician with weekend hours.
A PTO day saved is a PTO day earned.
13. The ob-gyn who's always on time with her appointments.
The waiting is the hardest part.
14. Your work wife with kids slightly older than yours who preps you for every stage.
She knows just what to say.
15. Your best college friend who's also a busy working mom. You might not see each other for months, but you can always pick up right where you left off.
Being together is like being 21 again.
16. Your children (most of the time).
One hug, and all is right in the world.
17. Your in-laws (sometimes).
Even they have their moments.
18. Your pal with great taste who gave you her maternity work wardrobe and outgrown kids' clothes for your children.
Your personal fairygodmother.
19. The patient and clear benefits person who gets your family the best healthcare for the best price.
You have all the answers.
20. The older woman who lets you cut in front of her in the supermarket line because your restless kids are with you.
Even though you have more groceries than she does.
21. The retired neighbor who sees you rushing to the train or bus in the morning and offers to drive you to the stop.
Why, yes, I would like a ride.
22. The sibling who likes holiday hosting and insists you "just bring yourselves."
I'll at least bring a store-bought pie!
23. The other mom at work who quickly speaks up when mandatory meetings are scheduled too early, too late or on school holidays.
I'm not the only one who recognizes the absurdity of all-hands meetings on Halloween.
24. Anyone who does work in your house who will communicate over text or email and shows up when they say they will.
No, I actually can't block off a 6-hour window on a weekday.
25. Colleagues who don't contact you on nights, weekends or holidays.
OMG you like work-life balance too? We should hang out.
Written by Meredith Bodgas for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to
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